Thursday, December 15, 2005

Remote debugging with VC++ .NET 2003

The main application is to execute on a machine R and the development environment is on machine H.

H(hh.hh.hh.hh) <---- Remote Debug ---> R(rr.rr.rr.rr)

The following configuration needs to be done to enable debugging the app remotely.
It is assumed that VC++ .NET 2003 has been installed on both machines.

=== Remote(R) machine configuration ===

Login as administrator.

Goto Start--> Administrative Tools --> Computer Management. A window pops up.

Goto ComputerManagement(Local)-->System Tools-->Local users and groups-->Users
Right click and click the "New User" button. Enter username as the same one that is being used on the H machine. i.e lets says user jdoe on machine H is using his/her VC++ 2003 IDE to debug the app on R then we have to create a jdoe user on R. The password needn't be the same though. Enter the user name and password in the boxes. Uncheck "User must change password at next logon" box and check "password never expires". Hit the Create button. The user jdoe will have been created.

Goto ComputerManagement(Local)-->System Tools-->Local users and groups-->Groups

Click on Administrators. Then click Add. In the "Enter the object names to select" type in jdoe or whatever username we have created above. Then click the ok button. Do the same for the "Remote Desktop users" and "Debugger users" groups.

Run the Visual C++ Remote Debugger as follows.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages\Debugger\msvcmon.exe" -tcpip

A shortcut can be created for the above command on the desktop for convenience.

=== Host(H) machine configuration ===
Create a shared folder on H as follows

subst F: \\rr.rr.rr.rr\C$

In the IDE goto Project-->Properties. Set the values as follows

Menu Field Value
Configuration properties--> General OutputDirectory F:\appdir
Configuration properties--> Linker-->General OutputFile F:\app\app.exe
Configuration properties--> Linker-->Debugging Generate Program database file F:\app\app.pdb
Configuration properties--> Debugging Command Arguments -debug
Configuration properties--> Debugging Debugger Type Native Only
Configuration properties--> Debugging Connection Remote via TCP/IP (Native only)
Configuration properties--> Debugging Remote Machine rr.rr.rr.rr
Configuration properties--> Debugging Remote command c:\app\app.exe

After the remote debugger app is run on R start the IDE on H and Goto menu Debug-->Start. See that the app launches on the remote machine.
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