Friday, April 27, 2007

The case against B

"The absence of romance from my history will, I fear, detract somewhat from its interest; but if it be judged useful by those inquirers who desire an exact knowledge of the past as an aid to the interpretation of the future, which in the course of human things must resemble if it does not reflect it, I shall be content. In fine, I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time"
The Peloponnesian War [Book I, 22] by Thucydides 431 B.C

I want to tell my good reader, if any, about a certain character henceforth we call as 'B'. B whatever his faults, of which there are many, is a decent man save for some uncouth characteristics. Recently this B launched a tirade of gigantic proportions against this writer by using as foul as language can be. However he is forgiven for one's heart is golden and doesn't harbor malice towards one's fellow men. The World, however, must know the case against 'B'. First a portrait of 'B'.

The well-read reader will undoubtedly mutter what-rot but thats a picture of an old monk who has long gone his way. As to that the well-read reader speaks in perfect truth. This is not 'B' but it is so like 'B' that the likeness is astonishing to a degree not heard of in the history of likenesses. But the similarities stop at that. While the man in the picture looks to be yearning for spiritual truth, "B", with the same face, should be read as yearning for gayls. The man in the picture was thin from a tough diet, "B" has layers being added steadily around his waist what with hogging sambar rice, curd rice and other concoctions. While the monk was steadfast and even though married the true nature of his relationship with his wife was believed to be beyond the grasp of ordinary minds, B shows no such responsibility as we shall see later.
B in his younger years was a bit of a thickhead. During the formative under-grad years he and this other thicko, we shall label him 'R', used to discuss stuff in the wings of the dormitory. This rotter R used to swing his arms in a batting action and explain j-omega stuff to B and B with some other unique shake of his arm used to argue/debate this j-omega stuff. It can be seen that these two rotters stooped to a lowly level and denied the other denizens some peace and quite by always being part of the landscape.
Forward a couple of years and we find B in the Land of the Plenty. Now we find him in the company of a thicko 'L'(nickname) and they used to discuss the merits of subcontinent food and taste. A foul array of rotters the discerning reader will see. But this is not the case against B. B when not rotting about food was actually one of those wierd individuals who actually pursued a doctorate degree and this is when his most foul momemts appear. B is sitting in his room attempting to wrestle some equalization stuff in signal processing. Memistopheles appears from the ground and Conscience descends form the ceiling.

Memistopheles : I say that white chick that was sitting next to you was pretty good.
B: Yeah she was wasn't she
Conscience: She was decent nothing major. The other subcontinent girls in the class was better
Memistopheles: You need to offer to do her homework maybe then she might decide to go outwith you for tea with you.
B: Yeah that would be good wouldn't it
Memistopheles: Of course and then one thing can lead to another and then maybe you can even take here out for dinner.
Conscience: I say we need to be getting on with equalization.
Memistopheles: Ah what equalization thats pretty simple stuff. We can call that chap X and just cop if from him. Wont take even 10 minutes.
(Smiles with dirty thoughts running in his head)
(defeatedly) I say we ought not to do this now. Maybe later after we finish....

The state of B needn't be mentioned for by this time he is rummaging through all sorts of "colored" images in his head.

The next day he accosts the above mentioned chick in class and offers his "support" and she promptly tells the professor about it. What the professor did about it is difficult to fathom without knowing the facts but it does suffice to say the chap(B) suffered from a severe head injury(internal) from which it is said that one cannot possibly recover. Hence his gibberish and rot in his writings.

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